President Noel Allington (Brick Laying)
A visit was received from a GSE team from California.  We hosted Barbara Liedl, an exchange student from Lafayette, U.S.A.  and we successfully nominated Phil McConkey for The G.S.E. team to visit the USA. 
Over four hundred people attended a Bereavement Seminar in the Papakura High School and a further substantial donation of instruments was made to The Papakura Music School.

Noel Allington extended the pattern of developing local parks and a children’s playground was built in Chichester Drive with materials provided by the Papakura City Council.
We purchased operating table lights for The Helana Goldie Memorial Hospital in The Solomon Islands although for reasons beyond our control. They were not delivered for several years.
A visit was received from a GSE team from California.  We hosted Barbara Liedl, an exchange student from Lafayette, U.S.A.  We successfully nominated Phil McConkey for The G.S.E. team to visit the USA.